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Haute Route - Hiking From Cabine De Prafleuri to Arolla

We marched out of the valley on an icy pre-dawn slope that made our footing questionable. Our early start paid off when we walked into a undisturbed herd of big horns. We quietly approached and they barely seemed to notice our presence. One barked orders to the others, but they all seemed content to hang out and nosh on the grass.

Haute Route, Cabine De Prafleuri – Arolla

Haute Route, Cabine De Prafleuri – Arolla

We ambled the most relaxing few miles of our Alpine trek following the length of a five kilometer / three mile lake that was created by Europe’s tallest dam. At the mouth of Lac de Dix, it is nearly one thousand feet high and taller than Egypt’s largest pyramid. Alongside the trail inquisitive marmots popped up and down like a game of “Whack a Mole.”

Haute Route, Cabine De Prafleuri – Arolla

The story continues...