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Grand Canyon, Rim to Rim to Rim - Descending From the North Rim

Grand Canyon, Rim to Rim to Rim, North Kaibab Trail

Shortly after heading back down the North Kaibab Trail to our campsite, our fear of the sun morphed into a fear of dark, ominous rain clouds.

Grand Canyon, Rim to Rim to Rim, North Kaibab Trail

We high tailed it down the well-groomed trails, making excellent time.

Grand Canyon, Rim to Rim to Rim, North Kaibab Trail

Some of the trail was blown out of the side of the canyon. The Park Service did a top notch job with the trail.

Grand Canyon, Rim to Rim to Rim, Cottonwood Campgrounds

Bored in the campsite, we made a deck of cards into a makeshift chess board. I think computer geeks all have a little MacGyver in them.

The story continues...